La educación informal menonita en el municipio de Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua


  • Claudia Teresa Domínguez Chavira
  • Mariana Ugalde Labastida



Mennonites, education, sociocultural factors


It is important to take into account that the development of a society is achieved through social connection, as well as respect for and recognition of cul-tural diversity, for this it is essential that an intercultural approach is granted, that is, that it exists a relationship between all the cultures themselves in a context. This article shows the sociocultural factors of the Mennonite culture that inhabits ciu-dad Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, being this multicultural region, therefore, it is nec-essary to know the ideologies of this cul-ture and demonstrate how they are di-rectly related to their informal education. Therefore, the objective of the research is to describe the most prevalent factors that govern the Mennonite cultural ideol-ogy and its impact on education. As a re-sult, the following research question has been posed: What sociocultural factor in-fluences informal Mennonite education? It is shown that there is a greater influ-ence of a specific factor, the design of a qualitative approach is also answered to the question, the ethnographic method Biníriame• VOL. 3. NÚM 4 • AGOSTO-DICIEMBRE 202251is also used to learn more about the cul-ture, where semi-structured interviews and the ball technique are applied. snow to form a social network and expand the field of study. In addition, the relationship of the family is shown in the process of transmission of learning from generation to generation and the perspective of so-ciety is broadened before the Mennonite culture, whose main characteristic is the preservation of their ideologies.

Author Biography

Mariana Ugalde Labastida

Mariana Ugalde Labastida es primer Autor

Claudia Domínguez Chavira es Co autor




