Is there a correct form to teach? Teaching styles and teaching in high levels at Cuauhtémoc


  • Karla Ivonne Gonzalez Torres UACJ
  • Guadalupe Ordoñez Caraveo



strategies, teaching, teaching style


In the course of teaching practice one of the main points is the search of the “secret formula” or the “magic potion” that allow all students could learn and the teacher’s work in front of the class could be satisfier. For this reason this research tries to answer which is the appropriate class and what activities are the ones to help the student to understand the subject. This is why the purpose of the research is to determine if certain strategies tell if the students learn and which strategies will not help them to learn. The implementation of this research was tried in two groups of students with different teachers, but with the same class objectives; in one group the teacher was given the strategies to apply in class to modify his teaching practice and in the other group the teacher worked with the strategies she always applied, and they were analyzed. This gives a result about a diversity in the activities that the teachers carry out, control and support in the versatility of the students that indicates that there is not a unique style of teaching      


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