Analysis of Energy Expenditure and Poverty in Social Housing. Case study in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua
Design, Social Housing, Energy Expenditure and Cost, Energy poverty, RetrofittingAbstract
In Mexico, it is estimated that approximately 40% of households are in energy poverty. This refers to the economic situation experienced by families that spend more than ten percent of their income to pay for energy-related services to cool or heat their homes. This problem is suffered by thousands of families in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, due to its extreme climate at different times of the year. The objective of this research is to generate a theoretical and methodological reflection on the cost of energy in the design of social housing through the analysis of a case study that will be taken as a reference. The expected results are the projection of possible scenarios of housing retrofitting through insulating materials, the best investment and the possible rate of return, to provide an answer to this problem.
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