A methodologic framework for the systemic management of knowledge


  • Jorge Rodas-Osollo Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • Karla Olmos-Sánchez Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez




Digital and Cognitive Transformation, Knowledge Management, Systemic aproach, Knowledge Representation, KMoS-SSA


In the contemporary era, technology has become a pervasive and pivotal force, exerting a profound influence on nearly every aspect of human life and heralding the advent of a transformative era characterized by digital and cognitive advancement; those who adapt to it enter the Cognitive Era, in which artificial intelligence (AI) and information technology (IT) support decision-making processes. Nevertheless, this transition can rise feelings of unease and apprehension due the necessity to implement swift and frequently misguided organizational and technological alterations, driven by an oversimplification of intricate domains with the intention of rendering them more accessible to AI and IT. This article presents the KMoS-SSA methodological framework as an integrative tool that merges knowledge management with the systems approach to develop effective solutions in complex domains. This holistic approach recognizes the importance of tacit specialist knowledge and offers a suitable way to address associated challenges with digital and cognitive transformation.


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