Coping styles and wellbeing in university professors: post-COVID-19 period


  • Angelica Calderón Ordóñez Universidad Vizcaya de las Americas
  • Armando Esquinca Moreno Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua
  • Bertha Estrada Lázaro Universidad Vizcaya de las Américas



Coping, Wellbeing, HEI, Teachers


Given the changes suffered by the population in post-pandemic times, its effects on coping styles and well-being in higher education institutions (HEI) teachers are addressed, as trainers of citizens and future professionals who faced significant changes in education. The coping styles most used by HEI teachers and their relationship with the perception of well-being and other sociodemographic variables were analyzed, using a cross-sectional correlational design in a sample of 203 teachers from the state of Chihuahua, using the Brief Cope Scale and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. The highest values ​​were found in active coping, planning and acceptance, indicating that 38.90% of the participants are highly satisfied with life. Likewise, the demographic variables are correlated despite situations that the population went through, evidencing the most used coping styles and their positive effect on the perception of well-being.


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