Actively working wives from retired husbands: an approach from their socialization




Retirement socialization, Retiree wives, Working wives, Qualitative studies


Retirement is the adaptation and learning process of people who leave their work environment, which covers their individual, work, family and support environments. This study seeks to address the experience of working wives from retired husbands, through a qualitative approach of their socialization, through phenomenological design, empirical approach, semi-structured interview to a sample of typical cases and by criterio, women between 50 and 67 years old divided into two groups, by their profession, educational level and number of children. The results are divided into: husband's retirement and activities; economical condition; activities and wife tasks and expectations, emotional state and considerations of their old age. Findings reveal expectations towards rest and economic uncertainty and others, as something good and awaited, but not planned; home, family and work activities in some cases scarcely shared and in others more involved; emotional state for some of them is "normal" and in others positive.


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