Work dynamics comparison between innovation, entrepreneurship and design conceptual modelsn, and Innovation conceptual models




conceptual models, entrepreneurship, design, innovation


This paper compares the working dynamics of certain conceptual models commonly employed in entrepreneurship, design, and innovation, with the aim of suggesting the properties of a meta-model that detect and act according to a wide range of multidisciplinary implications. The method required a thematic selection of the models, a brief individual description, the comparison of its elements and structure, and an analysis to acknowledge its operational logic and identify its strengths. That way the ideal features of an updated and flexible proposal emerge, especially when angled towards the initial stages of conceptual development of novel business models or creative ventures. In conclusion, the need of a new model becomes evident, one that helps obtaining a well-defined panorama of the relations between proposals and systems, so it becomes easier to mitigate the operating difficulties in real cultural, technological, and economic contexts.



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