Adjustment and support in preparation of retirement: an approach from socialization
Retirement socialization, preparation for retirement, support for retirement, adjustment for retirementAbstract
Retirement as a process of learning and socialization, rather than as a break or departure from the work environment, favors its preparation by visualizing it as the start of a new life stage with different characteristics and role from those previously lived. The objective of this study is to acknowledge retirement’s preparation, the expected social support and the adjustment factors for retirement in workers with many years of work experience and close to retirement, also byidentifying, how they describe retirement, how should they face to old age and the affectation they would have with the change of role in retirement. The research is of qualitative nature, narrative design of topic, multi-case study research strategy through judgment sampling from employees close to their retirement from various companies using an interview data collection technique and a structured interview guide instrument. Results reveal that they do consider retirement preparation useful, that the social support they expect comes from the family and consider that stress is a mismatch factor when deciding to retire.
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