Experience in the use of artificiali in higher education: The case of Tecnológico Nacional de México





artificial intelligence, higher education, technical information


Artificial intelligence (ai) offers multiple benefits as a tool to improve and transform education derived from the personalization of teaching. In recent generations it has played an important role in school performance. This research aimed to assess the experience of higher education students at the Tecnológico Nacional de México campus Los Cabos regarding the use of artificial intelligence using mixed methodology to guide the research. The results indicated that students use ai in their learning process mainly to consult information. Among the most used technologies are the chatbot and generative tools. They found advantages in its use on access to information and personalized learning; among the disadvantages were identified the ethics of information processing and the need to have certain skills for efficient use. Regarding the experience in general it was stated that the treatment of information is a relevant point about plagiarism and the information obtained since they considered that redundancies and non-updated answers are given. It is concluded that these technologies are present in the academy; therefore, pertinent strategies must be implemented to take care of the IA management domain.


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Author Biographies

Virginia Berenice Niebla Zataraín, Tecnológico Nacional de México

Tecnológico Nacional de México, ites Los Cabos, México

María Guadalupe Beltrán Lizárraga, Tecnológico Nacional de México

Tecnológico Nacional de México, ites Los Cabos, México

Jesús Manuel Niebla Zataraín, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS) campus Mazatlán


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