Diversidad, ecología y uso potencial de líquenes epífitos de Chihuahua


  • R.A Zuñiga-González Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • I.L. Álvarez-Barajas Universidad de Guadalajara
  • A.Y. Corral-Avitia Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • J.P. Flores-Margez Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • I.D. Enríquez-Anchondo Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez


epiphyte, thallus, fores, ecosystems, forest, conservation


Lichens are organisms that due to their close relationship with the habitat and substrate in which they grow, play an important role in ecological processes. Lichens have important applications in the field of traditional therapeutic or spiritual medicine, as well as for the chemical and textile industry. In the state of Chihuahua, there is a great diversity and richness of lichens, and many species are little known. In this study a review of the richness, ecology, and potential use of these lichens, as well as their relationship with forest ecosystems was made. Lichens are of great relevance to increase actions focused on conservation research, forest management and sustainablility.


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