The adoption of international legislation and local perverse incentives




Legislation, Public Policies, Incentives, Intentional homicides.


In 2015, the decreasing trend in the rate of intentional homicides that had begun in 2011 was reversed.
This phenomenon coincided with the final stage of implementation of the National Code of Criminal
Procedures (CNPP), supported by the 2008 Constitutional Reform. Although Olvera (2019), points out a
temporal coincidence, in this work it is proposed that said reform, the (CNPP), as well as the
Constitutional Reform on Human Rights of 2011 and the National Law of Criminal Execution (LNEP) of
2016, contributed to create perverse incentives in the control and reduction of crime, by promoting
greater impunity and eliminating the continuity of public policies against crime and violence of
previous federal administrations. The objective of this work is to test the hypothesis that the
reduction in the number of prisoners, generated by the aforementioned legislation, has caused a
significant increase in the rate of intentional homicides per 100 thousand inhabitants. The methodology
used consists of estimating the effect of changes in the population deprived of liberty (as an
explanatory variable) on the homicide rate per 100 thousand inhabitants (as a dependent variable),
in natural logarithms, by OLS. The results obtained a coefficient of -1.9897, which means that, during
the study period from 2010 to 2020, a 1% reduction in the population deprived of liberty causes a 2%
increase in the intentional homicide rate. Conclusions. To try to replicate legislation, reforms and
policies on complex issues, where people's behavior is a relevant variable, it is necessary to carry
out impact evaluations, such as those that CONEVAL indicates for the construction of infrastructure
works, or those that are carried out in social programs.

Author Biography

Manuel Ontiveros Jiménez, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Profesor investigador. UAM Cajimalpa


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