The human rights of the deaf-mute persons and their disability
Drafting of article 427 of the civil code of the state of Chihuahua
human rights, incapacity, deaf-muteAbstract
In the face of the growing protection of human rights among groups of people with some degree of disability who still do not receive adequate protection, we find deaf-mutes, whose needs have not yet appeared as a point of concern in public policies in Mexico. In addition, we find a regulation determined by the civil codes whose inappropriate composition prevents them from exercising their most minimal rights, this is the case of article 427 section III of the Civil Code of the State of Chihuahua, which absurdly incapacitates them not only legally but naturally, as can be seen from its unfortunate wording. The intention of this work is to present a proposal for the reform of section III of the article in question to contain a phrasing in accordance with respect for the human rights of deaf-mutes; Based on the hypothesis that the current version totally nullifies the human rights of deaf-mute people.
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