Identification of possible labor disputes in the USMCA using indicator related to the burnout of NOM-035-STPS-2018 applied to the CEWS Company in Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua




Burnout, Stress, USMAC, Working Conditions


This research was born after knowing the existence of the labor chapter within the current international treaty between United States– Mexico–Canada Agreement USMCA, the agreements become requirements that when not attended to, the named labor disputes are produced, so this research proposes a way of early identification of possible labor disputes within a company. Within chapter
23.1 of the USMCA it is mentioned about labor rights which were applied for the analysis of this investigation and  specifically the factors mentioned in subsection e) acceptable working conditions regarding minimum wages, working hours, and safety and security health at work.

In the literature review, great similarities were found in these factors described within the theoretical framework, such as work stress, burnout syndrome and the current Mexican Standard NOM-035-STPS-2018 that identifies,  analyzes and prevents the factors of psychosocial risk at work; taking into account this similarity, the methodology for measuring the phenomenon is used as part of the
field research with the application of the Reference III questionnaire of this standard within a harness exporting company called CEWS in this city, this allowed access to the results of 303 collaborators who answered the 72 questions or items of the questionnaire, After this a data mining is done by making a selection of items that contain factors of the acceptable working conditions mentioned in the USMCA, this selection includes only 23 items of the questionnaire to which a statistical analysis is applied and
a weight is assigned to the domains that contain the variables of influence of the USMCA, that is, the items, in this way it is feasible to measure the level of compliance with the USMCA where the minimum is 70 % thus reaching the results of the investigation where the CEWS company has a 72 % compliance with the accepted conditions. USMCA worktables. It is concluded that this research can also function as an option to introduce possible cases of burnout syndrome within the company.

Author Biography

Rocío Ugarte González, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Juárez

Maestra en Negocios Internacionales. Adscrita al Centro de Posgrado e Investigación del Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Juárez

