Post-pandemic family trial: The implementation of technology as a guarantee of the right of access to justice in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico
access, digital, family members, justice, trialsAbstract
This research analyzes the measures taken by family courts in Sinaloa during and after the pandemic to determine whether they allowed the right of access to justice contained in our Constitution to be realized. This is based on a systematic study of the legal system with the aim of demonstrating its insufficiency, starting from a descriptive approach that makes it possible to identify that these measures maintained the deficiencies that the justice system already had. As a result, we found that during the pandemic in family trials in Sinaloa the digitalization of the process was attempted without fully achieving it, leaving aside the possibility of seeking a simplification of the processes. In conclusion, while it is true that what has been done is a necessary step, it has remained incomplete, and the aspect that strives to not only digitalize the processes but also to seek their simplification should be explored to facilitate the right of access to justice from the perspective that our highest court has interpreted it.
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