The deepfakes and their impact on evidence law
deepfakes, evidence law, fake news, generative artificial intelligence, procedural lawAbstract
The objective of this study is to determine the impact of deepfake technologies on the law of evidence, since generative artificial intelligence not only causes a state of defenselessness for legal assets such as democracy, but also constitutes a disruptive problem for procedural truth. Likewise, throughout this research, the Integrated Literature Review (ilr) Method was used, through which information related to the nature and impact of deepfakes was collected and filtered. Finally, it was shown that in common law, the possibility of eradicating the use of the Silent Witness Principle should be considered in relation to digital evidence in consideration of the proliferation of deepfakes; and, on the other hand, in civil law, it was possible to show that the need to use artificial intelligence for the detection of deepfakes would violate two Daubert criteria, since the technique lacks evidence against errors and lacks scientific review.
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