The gender perspective and the operators of the justice administration and enforcement system in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua




Gender perspective, institutions, public servants, public safety, justice


The purpose of this investigation was to analyze whether the operators of the justice system in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, in compliance with the Cotton Field Judgment issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in 2009, are truly prepared to attend with a gender perspective the cases of transgender women. This work was non-experimental, transversal, descriptive and qualitative in nature. For this, 32 interviews were carried out in which the volunteers were agents of the Public Ministry, agents of the State Investigation Agency, agents of the State Security Commission of the Attorney General’s Office and municipal agents of the Secretary of Public Security. Despite the fact that this information is exposed, the result was that most of the participants know the meaning of judging with a gender perspective and are aware of the historical violence against women in the city, but this does not mean that they effectively apply these criteria in their work and personal area, as some stated that they did not agree with the legislator’s classification of gender crimes, limiting themselves to acting according to what custom suggests.


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Author Biography

Claudia Lizbeth Miramontes Ruiz

Maestra en Gestión de Sistemas de Seguridad Pública por el Instituto Estatal de Seguridad Pública de Ciudad Juárez (México). Agente del Ministerio Público adscrita a la Fiscalía Especializada en Atención a Mujeres Víctimas del Delito por Razones de Género.


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