Objective Imputation in the Ecuadorian Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code





criminal law, theory, behavior, schools, result


In this scientific article, focused on the analysis of the theory of objective imputation applied in the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code, it is a topic that has been discussed regarding the moment of attribution of a typical result to a subject’s account. The objective of the research is to analyze the various theories that arise from the objective imputation in order to demonstrate the importance of criminal dogmatics, since there is ignorance in this field, since this theory goes beyond the practice or the literality of the regulations. The Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code has taken as a background the study of the schools of criminal law, taking into account that it is the functionalist school that is in force. The dogmatic proposals of Gunter Jacobs and Claus Roxin, great professors of criminal law, have been analyzed.


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Author Biographies

Kelly Orellana Faz

Abogada litigante en la República de Ecuador

César Alberto Enderica Guin

Abogado litigante en la República de Ecuador


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