A Literature Review on Technology Adoption and Innovation Strategies within the Automotive Industry during the COVID-19 Pandemic.





Automotive industry, Covid-19, Technology adoption, Innovation, Industry 4.0


The automotive industry has been severely affected by the caused crisis by the COVID-19 pandemic, restricting face-to-face activities that have led to low or null productivity, as well as a decrease in overall growth, even slowing down the innovative products development, such as the introduction of electric and autonomous cars. A literature review was carried out on the existing relationship in the scientific field that allows identifying viable options for technologies adoption that allow facing this type of disruptive changes in this sector. The analysis of the concepts of Industry 4.0 and Research and Development was developed relating them with conducted technological strategies in the sector to find a behavioral pattern that allow giving a scientific contribution with these application approaches.


Author Biography

Ángel Ricardo Rendón Arenas , Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla




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