Intellectual property and artificial intelligence: The “exquisite corpse”




artificial intelligence, intellectual property, intention


This research aims to analyze the challenges presented by protecting works generated by artificial intelligence (ai) within the intellectual property (ip) framework. The methodology includes an exhaustive review of Mexican laws, such as the Federal Law for the Protection of Industrial Property and the Federal Copyright Law, and the exploration of philosophical theories on creativity and authorship. Examples such as the “exquisite corpse” technique are also examined to illustrate creative collaboration. The results reveal that current ip laws are based on human creativity and intentionality, which complicates the application of these concepts to ai creations, which lack will and goals. Furthermore, Mexican regulations do not consider ais as legal authors, raising questions about the ownership of ip rights and the commercial exploitation of ai-generated works. The conclusions highlight the need to develop a new legal framework that addresses these complexities, adapting traditional concepts of authorship and creativity to new technologies. This framework should ensure that ip continues to foster human innovation and creativity while adapting to the emerging reality of ai-generated creations.


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Author Biography

Laura Elena Vidal Correa, Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación

Profesora investigadora del INFOTEC, Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación.


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